It’s Different parla di Marylart

It’s Different parla di Marylart

The stunning array of portable sculptures, edited by MARYLART, are eclusively designed and manufactured by international renowned artists: through each of these creations there is a fusion between works of art and jewelry, thus giving life to small masterpieces.

The challenge is clear and ambitious: to mold the three-dimensional art of the best and bravest famous international artists into long-lasting pieces of artwork, so that anyone can feel the amazing sensation of becoming an essential part of the exclusive masterpieces created by those artists.

Marylart invites renowned international artists to create original wereable sculptures, most using precious materials, but also experimenting new techniques and non-conventional materials: the artist works together with specialized goldsmiths, based in Italy, and produces the final piece.


Questo il link dell’articolo integrale, fonte ArsNow Magazine.